ESPE is bold and beautiful. We’re not that handbag that everyone carries or that plain wallet with just the logo. We’re all about fresh designs, functional styles, and the “you have to tell me where you bought that” talk.
We chose vegan for a reason.
Meet Eva & Arthur – the story of an upbeat designer and her Jack Russell Terrier. She started off with a few designs of her puppy (now a grown-up dog!) and branched off into collections of whimsical cats, butterflies, and ladybugs.
From the get-go, ESPE has never used leather or any other animal-based materials. We're an all-vegan company that uses a durable, synthetic leather called poly-urethane (PU-leather) that's more environmentally-friendly and resilient than PVC or vinyl. Depending on the season, we'll incorporate different fabrics and hardware into our designs while ensuring that they are ethically sourced.
Our products are responsibly made.
The ESPE Team visits our partnering factories on a bi-yearly basis to ensure quality and integrity every step of the way. Everything that goes into your product is ethically sourced and responsibly made.
Grab it before it’s gone.
ESPE is all about the on-the-go versatility and spur-of-the-moment fun. Once a bag or wallet is designed for one season, you might not see it ever again – so grab it while you can! Sometimes, we'll bring back the motif but we will always change something about it – the colour, fabric, interior – you name it! Our passion to design new and exciting products is what makes each and every product unique in its own way!